What Are Blinds In Poker? – Poker Lessons

Introduction to Blinds

In poker, blinds are forced bets that players must place before the hand begins. They are a fundamental aspect of the game, particularly in variants like Texas Hold’em and Omaha. Blinds ensure that there is always some money in the pot, incentivizing action and preventing players from simply waiting for premium hands.

Types of Blinds

Small Blind

The small blind is the smaller of the two forced bets in a game with blinds. It is typically half the size of the big blind. In a ₹100/₹200 blinds game, the small blind might be ₹100.

Big Blind

The big blind is the larger forced bet. It is usually equal to the minimum bet for the game. Following the example, the big blind in a ₹100/₹200 game would be ₹200.

Purpose of Blinds in Poker

Blinds serve the following purposes in poker

Starting Pot

Blinds initiate the pot, ensuring there is already something to play for before any cards are dealt.

Action Inducement

By putting money in the pot before seeing their cards, players are motivated to play hands they might otherwise fold.

Game Flow

Blinds maintain the pace of the game, preventing players from stalling excessively.

Poker Blind Structure

Early Stage Blinds

At the beginning of a tournament or cash game, blinds are relatively low compared to stack sizes.

Players can afford to be more selective with their starting hands, avoiding marginal hands that might not hold up well in multi-way pots.

Late Stage Blinds

As blinds increase relative to stack sizes, the pressure to accumulate chips mounts.

Players need to become more aggressive, stealing blinds and antes to maintain their stack’s value.

Blind Positions

Small Blind

The small blind is considered one of the most challenging positions due to its disadvantaged position post-flop.

Players in the small blind must act first after the flop, which often puts them at a positional disadvantage.

Big Blind

The big blind acts last pre-flop, but first post-flop.

While they have positional advantage pre-flop, they must defend their blind against potential steals from players in later positions.

Blinds Examples and Scenarios

Defending the Big Blind

Suppose the blinds are ₹50/₹100, and a player on the button raises to ₹300. The big blind, with a hand like 9♠️7♠️, might decide to defend their blind by calling the raise.

Despite not having a premium hand, the big blind can call because they have already invested ₹100 and have a reasonable chance of improving their hand post-flop.

Stealing the Blinds

In a tournament with blinds at ₹200/₹400, a player in the middle position might raise to ₹1,000. This aggressive move aims to steal the blinds and antes from players in later positions.

The player’s raise puts pressure on opponents in the blinds, who must decide whether to defend their holdings or fold.


Q: What is the difference between blinds and ante?


Blinds: Blinds are mandatory bets posted by two players to the left of the dealer button before any cards are dealt. They ensure there is always something in the pot to play for.
Ante: An ante is a forced bet required of all players before each hand, regardless of their position at the table. Unlike blinds, which are only posted by specific players, antes are contributed by everyone. Antes increase the pot size and encourage action, especially in tournament play.

Q: What is a blind check in poker?

A: A blind check occurs when a player in the big blind position opts to check instead of raising or folding when no other player has raised the pot before the action reaches them. This usually happens when the player has a weak or marginal hand and wants to see the flop without investing more chips.